The constitution, laws and values of Kailasa are based on Veda-Agamic scriptures and Manusmriti. Manusmriti, translated as \”The Laws of Manu\” is the most important and authoritative Hindu law book (Dharmashastra), which served as a foundational work on Hindu law and jurisprudence in ancient India for at least 1,500 years. Kailasa stands for some of the following cosmic principles:
Right to Happiness
Hinduism is the religion of bliss. It considers the Right of Happiness to be the highest fundamental right of all humans, in fact all beings. The ultimate goal for Hinduism is the material and spiritual well-being of humanity.
Peaceful Co-existence of all beings
Om sarve bhavantu sukhinah. Sarve santu niraamayaah.
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu. Maa kaschid dukhbhaag bhavet.
“May all beings be happy. May all beings be healthy. May all beings experience prosperity. May none in the world suffer.”
Against the backdrop of this understanding of equality and unity, the Hindu world has embraced the reality of diversity through its philosophy of pluralism. Every being, with their varying likes and dislikes, their unique personalities, and their different cultures, not only connect with one another in their own unique ways, but connect with the divine in their own individual ways.
Omnipresence of All Beings
Ekoham Bahu Syam: “I am one; may I become many” – Oneness of all beings is the core operating cognition resulting in all beings experienced as the self.
Human Dignity cannot be ensured merely through constitutional means, it has to be embedded in the basic Sanskaras – the value system of the society. The same Consciousness pervades all creation therefore all beings are equal.
“Amritasya Putrah Vayam’ – this is how Hinduism introduces human beings “as children of the immortals”
Divine nature of Human Beings
Hinduism doesn’t recognise human beings as mere material beings. Its understanding of human identity is more ethical-spiritual than material. Sarvam brahmopniṣadam – All is Brahman, Consciousness, is revealed in the Upanishads.
That is why a sense of immortality and divinity is attributed to all human beings in Hindu thought and culture. It is on the principle that the soul that makes the body of all living organisms its abode is in fact an integral part of the Divine Whole – Paramaatman – that the Vedas declare unequivocally:
Ajyesthaaso Akanisthaasa Yete Sam Bhraataro Vaavrudhuh Soubhagaya
“No one is superior or inferior; all are brothers; all should strive for the interest of all and progress collectively.”
RigVeda, Mandala-5, Sukta-60, Mantra-5
Ethical treatment of Animals and Plants
The core Hindu belief that the Divine exists in all living beings, both human and non-human, and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, the whole world is one family. Animals and plants are equally embodied with the existence of the Divine and are fully deserving of respect and human compassion. Amongst Vedic traditions are some of the earliest teachings promoting the ethical treatment of animals, the basis of which stems from the concepts of karma and reincarnation; ahimsa or non-injury; and the understanding that the Divine exists as a soul in all living beings, both human and non-human. Despite differences in intelligence and ability amongst varying life forms, the existence of the soul in all forms binds all of existence and demands peaceful, respectful coexistence amongst humans, animals and other elements of nature.
In the Hindu epic Mahabharat, Lord Krishna, who chastises his cousin for carelessly chopping down a tree to release pent up anger, states, \”Humans should take from this planet only that which is necessary for our survival.\” He continues to explain that when societies begin to violate this principle, all of humanity will be forced to face the repercussions as all life is interconnected and serves its unique purpose in the world.
“He who kills harmless and non-violent creatures for his own pleasure will never get true happiness, whether in this life, or after he dies.\”
~ (Manu Smriti 5.45 – Vishnu Dharma Sutra 51.68)
\”He who does not seek to kill, cause pain or tie up living creatures and desires the good of all attains everlasting joy.\”
~ (Manu Smriti 5.46 – Vishnu Dharma Sutra 51.69)
\”Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures, and injury to sentient beings is detrimental to the attainment of heavenly bliss; let him therefore shun the use of meat.\”
~ (Manu Smriti 5.48 – Vishnu Dharma Sutra 51.71)
Rights of All Genders
Kailasa respects and treats all 11 genders equally with equal respect and rights for all.
Historically, in ancient India, women had always occupied positions of power and high esteem. Prof. H.H. Wilson says: “It may be confidently asserted that in no nation of antiquity were women held in so much esteem as amongst Hindus.” (Mill’s History of Bharat, Vol. II)
The Divine in Hinduism is Artha Nareeswara in form and gender-free in formless.
Women enjoyed not only equal opportunities and privileges with men in the classical Hindu literature; they even enjoyed rights that were not available for their counterparts. Manu Smriti, declares:
Yatra Naryastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devatah – “Where women are worshipped there the angels tread”.
The nation of Kailasa adheres to Sanatana Dharma (commonly referred to as Hinduism in the West) and operates under the cosmic principle of pure Oneness (Advaita) as described by Paramashiva, the original author of the science of yoga (union with the ultimate) and enlightenment. The application of Oneness to everyday life is revealed in the Agamas, ancient scriptures authored by Paramashiva, describing a society based on the fundamental ideals of universality, blissful coexistence, non-violence and freedom.

Paramashiva is the Adi Yogi (innovator of yoga) and the Adi Guru (primordial guru or spiritual master), who is an embodiment of the ultimate cosmic intelligence. Time and again, he incarnates on earth to revive the science of yoga, enlightenment and power manifestation; to make it relevant to the times; to exemplify a divine life on earth; and to lead all beings to the next stage in their evolution. Sanatana Dharma describes Paramashiva’s eternal home as Kailasa – the eleven dimensional realm that encompasses space, time and other ordinary dimensions we perceive in everyday life. Kailasa is open to everyone irrespective of who they are. In Kailasa, people are not judged but transformed. Kailasa represents a place of simplicity in form, yet the ultimate richness in spirit. It is a place of the joyous cosmic dance where the world is created, governed and celebrated.
When Paramashiva embodies himself, the physical place he resides on earth is also referred to as Kailasa. The nation-in-exile of Kailasa represents the land where the current incarnation of Paramashiva, His Divine Holiness Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, resides and leads the world. This nation is thus an embodiment of the principles, practices, the space and mystique of the residence of Paramashiva and hence appropriately named Kailasa.
Kailasa will operate as a nation with its own Self-governing body based on:
- Parliamentary system based on Hindu Political principles
- Supreme Court as per Hindu Legal & Justice system
- Federal Reserve Bank run as per Hindu Economic Policies
- World Trade Center run as per Hindu Business Principles
- Educational Institutions run as per Hindu Education System
- Religious organizations such as Temples and Monasteries as per Hindu Religious traditions
- Hospitals as per Hindu Medical System